Queen of Angels Roman Catholic Church

1001 Oakland Ave. East
Austin, MN 55912
United States of America
(507) 433-1888 (Eng)Telephone:
(507) 433-8474 (Spa)
On August 14, 1936, Father Donald E. Cunningham was commissioned to establish a new parish on Austin's east side. The first parish mass was celebrated on November 1, 1936, in Columbus School. An interim chapel, the present Queen of Angel's gym, was built for temporary use until the church, already being designed, could be financed and constructed. Ground breaking for the parish church took place on August 15, 1954 with the cornerstone being laid and blessed on May 25, 1955. March 31, 1956 the parish celebrated the Easter Vigil and the first Mass in the present edifice. Queen of Angels Church was dedicated to Mary, the Mother of God, by Bishop Edward A. Fitzgerald, on May 19, 1957. The sanctuary was remodeled along with repair to the roof from the fire in 1972. In October of 2003, Fr. Dale Tupper became the 9th pastor of Queen of Angels Church, which currently serves over 800 families and individuals.Staff Serving the Parish
Rev. Raúl Silva, Pastor
Telephone: (507) 433-1888 x202
E-mail: fatherraul@queenofangels.church
Mary Bassett, Pastoral Associate
Telephone: (507) 433-1888 x203
E-mail: qofapastoralassociate@gmail.com
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Pacelli Catholic SchoolsPacelli Catholic Schools in Austin Minnesota. Their mission is to help students preschool-12th grade grow spiritually in addition to academically through the use of high academic and moral standards in a Christian atmosphere.
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The diocese encompasses the 20 southernmost counties of the state of Minnesota and measures 12,282 square miles of some of the Lord's most beautiful country -- bordered by the Mississippi River to the east and the Dakotas to the west.
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The website for the episcopal conference of the Catholic Church in the United States.
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The central governing body of the Catholic Church and sovereign entity recognized by international law, consisting of the Pope and the Roman Curia. The Vatican can also be referred to as "The Holy City".
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